Super chilled and still

sunrise over campervan

Stop the train I want to get off! Well, maybe not get off exactly, more slow down just a touch. So that is what we did. Maybe you might call it mellow or chilled, but it was even slower than that. The weather was cooler and so were we.

sunrise over campervan
Sunrise just before 7am

Kimberley got up to photograph the sunrise, so it was an early start. Then we took a leisurely stroll around the perimeter of the land. We videoed everything, we talked ideas and possibilities. The perimeter of the land is approximately 2,000 steps so about a mile.

The topography of CasaBo is amazingly varied. There are trees both young and old. There are small and large granite outcrops that transport you back in time. The whole area is a UNESCO Geopark, and we are completely enraptured.

rock formation that looks like a duck
A large granite rock formation that we think looks like a duck!

We decide it would be great to have a path that runs round the whole of CasaBo, to run or walk around as one sees fit. We look at where we might put decks or seats. Where we might put cabins for visitors. What will be required to make them wonderful. We look at where phase one and Mission Control are going to be located. We organise to visit Jacques on his farm to give him a set of keys and buy a few bits and pieces, such as honey and jam that he and his wife produce on their farm.

As the day starts to heat up, I take a nap in the shade of one of our favourite cork oaks. Kimberley goes off to take more photos of the land and surroundings. We are loving being on CasaBo, and it is slowly sinking in that this wonderful piece of land is ours. Our land, our home, a long-held thought that had become a thing, a reality. As I sit here writing this, I feel emotional. I had no idea that it would happen on this trip or at all. I feel so grateful to so many people right now. I hope that some of them will come to this wonderful place and share it with us.

cork oak tree
One of the cork oak trees that are wonderful for providing shade

Waking up a little time later we decide to have a quick change of plans. Kimberley has a desire to take a look at the library in Idanha-a-Nova and I have a desire to try the traditional rotisserie chicken called churrasquerra from Adelina’s. So, we drive to Adelina’s and order chicken and potatoes for Saturday and then head off into town. I mean I call it town, but really it is a lovely sleepy large village with large boulevards interspersed with tight narrow cobbled streets.

The library like all the civic buildings that I have seen in Portugal is wonderfully maintained. You walk up a grand staircase outside to the front door and as you open it there is the feeling of the forced hush of an old-fashioned library. We are unable to take our visit further though due to our inability to speak the language. This is a definite dream board requirement going forward. It simply will not do to be unable to speak the language. When we get back to the UK, we will start taking Portugese baby steps!

black and white cobbled street design
Every town and village seems to have areas of these beautiful cobbled streets

To round off this super chilled day, we have toasted sandwiches from our favourite café and head back to CasaBo. As we go to sleep this evening looking out of the back window of TUT, we see the most amazing array of stars. It is a fitting end to just a lovely day.

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