Is it meant to be this easy?

pancakes with strawberries and chocolate sauce

We watched the dawn rise from our land. The heat haze was present as the mountains had a blurred and mystical look to them. The warmth already in evidence beneath the cooling breeze, like a jack-in-the-box just waiting to spring forth.

Today is going to be another major step along the way in our dream life in Portugal. We are meeting Paulo our estate agent, who is going to take us to the bank. We have been told that opening a bank account in Portugal can be a difficult and challenging process. For us, nothing could have been further from the truth. We spent a happy ninety minutes, filling out forms and talking Portugal, football, cars and travelling with the most delightful bank executive – truly a pleasant start to the day and another baby step ticked off.

man standing underneath bank sign
Opening an account with a mutual bank was easy!

It amazes me that we sail through things that are supposed to be challenging. It’s starting to surprise me less and less as time goes on though because I’m discovering that if I don’t believe that something will be difficult, generally it isn’t. Even when things don’t go to plan, we know that there is a reason and just keep appreciating the journey. We realise it is the journey that is the important thing. The destination is fun but, out of necessity, will keep changing. I mean, let’s be honest we don’t go to just one place; and there are always a variety ways to get to a destination, so, as time has gone by, we have got better and better at just not worrying. What will be will be.

When we first started to believe in this I personally really struggled. How can I let go of the result of an action? It seemed so counter intuitive. I was wrong. This theory works, well it has for us, maybe you could give it a try. I am always happy to discuss this life approach with people.

pancakes with strawberries and chocolate sauce
Too good to resist!

The bank account sorted out, we went and did a few chores around Castelo Branco. Firstly, as ever was the weekly wash, or rather another excuse to go for a coffee. That done, we went for petrol and then to find a photocopy place. It is the simple things that you just take for granted.

When you change languages and countries and cultures, you have to ask how to do everything the first time. This can be looked at as all things becoming either a hurdle or an adventure. We are viewing it all as adventure. Parking our extremely hot van outside the Forum shopping centre we went to what we thought was going to be a photocopying shop but turned out to be a key cutting shop! Fortunately, we found a reception desk in the Forum and the young lady on the desk pointed us in the right direction.

man eating chocolate icecream sundae
We may have underestimated the size of this!

This was an exciting moment for us. Kimberley had managed to get some really good satellite images and street views off Google of our land. We wanted to see if we could get them blown up to size A3 so that we could start apportioning land to projects or vice versa. As it turns out we can get them blown up, so we do. The pictures look fantastic.

Next stop is the China Shop. These are what Woolworths might have become with just a little bit of imagination. They have everything in them. I do mean everything like sparkly wool, electric fly swatters, clothes, Tupperware, playing cards, the works. All we are looking for is some fish netting and string for the land visit tomorrow. We have a little project.

swimming in lake
Another refreshing swim in the mountain rock pool

It is Wednesday, and we now have a lawyer, a bank account, a bank, an estate agent, some friends, a dream plot of land and the money to buy it.  This adventure is really going fantastically well. Is it going to a prescribed plan?  Absolutely not, it is going even better than we thought it might. Just keep believing. Keep taking the baby steps. Oh, and make sure you get the washing done and do your other chores and tasks that make this whole project a life project rather than a holiday.

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